sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Go(o)d words

On my way to work I pass a church with one of these signs. Most of the time the messages make me smile in a good way.


domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011

Pizza phone

A phone with direct lines that cover all basic needs of a hotel guest in Southington, Connecticut.


Just wanted to share these two billboard that I have noticed lately. The first one is on my way to work so I have to see it every day (twice). I wonder if it will still be there on May 22nd (it says, "Judgement Day is coming, May 21, 2011. Cry mightily unto GOD for HIS mercy, Family Radio.com"). The second caught my eye yesterday on one of the main streets in Norwalk, Connecticut.

Traffic signs or traffic text?

So back in planet Europe, we have decided to use traffic signs to let us know what is expected of us while behind the wheel. No parking has a sign (blue and red with one line over a cicle for no parking but stopping allowed and two lines over a circle if stopping is prohibited, hate those ones, buuu), dead end has a sign, careful deer/frogs/cows/what-ever has a sign, ditto for no U-turn, no entry, no left/right turn etc. No matter what language you speak you have no excuse to break the rule. You can read a sign.

Now, the population of US is pretty diverse.You would think that they want to play it safe here and use signs also. We´ll guess again. Maybe someone said, hey, we get people from all around the world coming here, maybe they are not used to the signs. So they solved the problem by having little metallic plates of text instead of a symbol. That works fine, except for the poor souls who do not speak English.

Well, the blog is called US in pics, so I might as well show you what I am talking about.

I especially like this last one, where there is the international traffic sign AND the text plate. Something for everyone. Catering to all. Now THAT I do like.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Snack revolution

Who ever said popcorn can not have gourmet status and its own store (on the main street)? Has this wonderful treat not proven itself thrugh years and years of popularity? Hell yes!

Driving through

Sure there are drive thrus in Europe (or maybe they are drive throughs, the Brits being stubborn about spelling things the same way they have for centuries) but it is still very much an American invention. On the US side of the pond we have drive thru banks, pharmacies and an endless list of coffee shops, ice-cream places and restaurants. There is even a drive thru chapel in Las Vegas if you are too attached to your car (bad sign girls) to leave it behind for the "I do".